Cloud computing options?

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing can be used extend your IT capabilities and scale up as required.
E.g. Office 365, Google Docs, Dropbox, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Compute and Amazon Web Services.
Cloud Computing Possibilities
What can you do with cloud computing now? Does it suit you? Can you build your own cloud?
Cloud Computing Efficiency
Compare local and cloud based computing.
Cloud Computing Examples
What are some cloud computing examples? What new business opportunities does cloud computing provide?
Disaster Recovery using Cloud Computing
What are the advantages of cloud computing when dealing with a disaster and regaining business continuity?
30 Cybersecurity FAQ - How To Protect Your Business
30 Cybersecurity frequently asked questions answered for you.
Cloud Computing Overview Diagram
What can you do with Cloud Computing. Mind Map diagram of the possibilities.
Digital Economy Advantages
How does the Physical and Digital economies compare? What are the advantages of digital?
Cloud Computing with Google Apps Google Cloud computing examples
Cloud Computing for Business PowerPoint 506 kB
Top 10 AWS Amazon Web Services Explained Cloud Computing Definitions.
Cloud Resources Shopping

Internet of Things options?

Internet Of Things

Which organisations can provide Internet of Things products and services?
Internet of Things Industry List

How is Arduino microcontrollers being used for the Internet of Things?
Arduino microcontrollers with communications by popularity
Arduino companion circuit boards for IoT by popularity
Arduino sensors by popularity
Internet of Things Resources

Artificial Intelligence options?

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is changing many industries and how our society operates.
E.g. Speech recognition, automated transport, robotics, emotion recognition, image recognition.
10 Best Artificial Intelligence Frequently Asked Questions
Learn Artificial Intelligence fast. Avoid mistakes. Action your goal quickly.
What can Artificial Intelligence (AI) do?
Online slideshow showing how does AI affect you.
Artificial Intelligence Resources
AI reading resources

Business Model Canvas sample?

Website Section

Cloud computing can host static websites, content management system websites or global ecommerce websites.
Why have a Small Business Website?
3.3 billion Internet Users...
Website Prerequisites
Keywords, Domain names, Hosting, Website types.
Website Requirements
Make your own website requirements list.
Webpage Requirements
Confirm you have all the necessary information components for a web page
Website done checklist
Do you have all the parts for a completed website including logins, analytics access etc.
Website Optimisation
Do you have measurements in place for continuous website keyword analysis, traffic and content?
FAQ Webpage Creator
Make a valuable Frequently Asked Questions Webpage fast with a link to each question.
Website Resources

Business performance management reports?

Business Performance Management Reports

Cloud computing can host online real time accounting, customer relationship management software and organisation big data.
How can real time business performance management (BPM) reports help with decision making?
See example BPM reports.
Business Management Performance Report by Department
Business Management Performance Report by Geographic Sales
Business Management Performance Report by Customer Sales
Business Management Performance Report by Inventory Stock
Business Management Performance Report by Fixed Assets
Balanced Scorecard Introduction PDF
How to measure success in terms of team learning/growth, customer perspective, internal processes and financial.
Business Performance Management Resources

Business Model Canvas sample?

Business Model Section

See how your business operates on one page.
Can it be improved? What KPIs are critical to success? Report on them.
Business Model Frequently Asked Questions
What is a business model and how can you use one? How can it create new opportunities?
Business Model Examples
Four advanced industry business models for retail, services, manufacturing and digital sectors.
Business Model Creator
Create your own business model with business and technology options fast. Show what you have and want.
Business Model Information
Digital solutions, further business model reading and definitions.
Business Model Healthcheck for SME
How business models with business + technology + styles are better for SME.
17 Resilient Townsville Business Model Projects
See 17 city business models with descriptions and attributes.
Make my Modern Business Model service
How can I have a modern business model made by answering various questions.
Make a Modern Marketing Plan
Plan you target market, target message, media, lead capture, lead nuture, sales conversion, customer experience, customer lifetime value and build more referrals.
Business Resources

Can your business go global?

Which technologies could help your business?