Gather common questions asked of you by your customers.
Use online tools like Google Adwords Keyword planner (free) to gather a list of your industry keyword phrases.
Build a list of questions that relate to your services that use the popular keyword phrases.
Select all (ctrl a) Link List, copy (ctrl c), open Notepad, paste (ctrl v) save as faqlinks.txt
Move your new faq.htm file to your website. Use FTP to copy the file.
If using a content management system(CMS) create a webpage link to topic-faq.html
Add your faq.html into your sitemap.xml file for the search engines to find it.
Use you FAQ link list to social share your questions with the question link to the FAQ webpage.
Try to space your social media posts over time.
Consider other websites where the questions and answers may be valuable.
P.S. Your new FAQ webpage can provide FREE marketing into the future.