Resource Link Resource Description
Idea Research Checklist Review your new startup idea in terms of evaluation, market, idea, skills, experience, execution and product market fit.
Customer Segment Research Tool This web page makes it simple for you to gain customer, marketplace and competition knowledge by providing current resources around your niche product or service.
Value Proposition Creator What products and services can you deliver to your ideal customer. Save customer time, avoid pain or help with gaining desires.
Marketing Plan Creator Create a one page Marketing Plan including target market, message, media used, lead capture, lead nurture, sales conversion, customer experience, improve lifetime value and referrals.
Keywords and Content Marketing PDF Base your copywriting on popular customer phrases for your products and services. Reach more people including the 3.5 Billion Google searches per day.
Product Design and Marketing Design Questions PDF Product questions to draw out all the product/service benefits (logical and emotional). Answers are used for Marketing content preparation.
Google My Business Instructions PDF Create a Google My Business business listing for Google Maps and Google local Search. Create a business listing in one day for free.
Personal and Business branding on LinkedIn PDF Create an All Star personal LinkedIn profile. Building business relationship connections. Create a LinkedIn Business Page with product Showcase.
Beginning Facebook Marketing PDF Build a Facebook following of your ideal customers for free. Create a Facebook Business Page.
Business Model Examples Business Models for Retail, Services, Manafacturing and Online.
Why have a Small Business Website? Get access to 21 million Australians and 4.1 billion worldwide Internet users.
Website Digital Marketing Bring new prospects, leads and customers to your new website.
Business Skills Analysis Review your business skills from a list of 67. Export your strengths and weaknesses. Bring in the required skills for business growth.
Content Creation for Small Business 7 tip for how to get business revenue growth
Customer Value Journey The Top 5 Questions Business Owners Should Always Ask About Customer Value Journey.
The Lead Generation System Step by step how any entrepreneur can succeed with email marketing today.
9 Business Accelerators PDF The Top 9 Tips, Tricks & Tools Every Business Owner Needs to Know.
Business Strategy Checklist 9 Things Every Business Strategist Needs To Know About How To Enjoy Business Growth.