Start your idea, business, startup with Why. Vision, mission and goals come from Why.
Create products and services that address customer jobs, pains and gains. Validate your business operations and scale.
Define your customer avatar, message, communication medium, lead capture, lead nuture and sales coversion. Create a business growing marketing system.
Create your product lifecycle, minimum viable product, business model, customer segments, KPIs, validations and roadmap. Launch products with more success.
The modern digital methods of marketing, branding, content creation and distribution. Create content and reach buyers directly.
More involved direct selling methods to capture market share and have more sales.
Keyword research, relevancy auditing, on page optimisation and business branding. Be strategic on your content for your ideal local customer. It provides free ongoing marketing when done right.
Repurpose content for social media, video, podcasts, ebooks, articles and events. Gain more results from your digital assets. Attract customers with different forms of media.
Improve your business communications to generate more sales. Make your marketing materials more effective. Write for your prospect not yourself.
What are the methods of persuasion? Reciprocation, commitment, proof, scarcity and more.
Design your marketing efforts for the social media platform with targeting where your prospects are found. Awareness, interest, selection, purchase.
Define your market, sub market, niche, unique selling proposition, story telling back story, brand positioning, tranformation offer, value ladder, sales funnel.