Market Size and Trends
- Niche topic in, 21 niche online results out. Customer Segment Research Tool Build your customer segment and competition analysis here.
- Google Trends for your product type https://www.google.com/trends Search by country, year range and see related phrases.
- Google Search organic results https://www.google.com.au/ Can you make better content that the top 10?
- Google Search suggestions autocomplete. Start typing your keyword and see what is suggested.
- Google Search 10 alternate suggestion. These are found at the bottom of the search results. These phrases are being searched upon.
- Topic engagement levels in terms of social media shares can be see on Buzzsumo Enter your topic name in the search box.
- An alternative to get more phrase ideas is Answer The Public https://answerthepublic.com/ Enter your keyword, Search, View, Download CSV.
Note the popular keyword phrases being used that relate to your business.
Competition Identified
Which company names appear when you:
- Search for your product names (organic and surrounding ads)
- Search for your company name (organic and surrounding ads)
- Search for your name if your are a small business
- Alexa can indicate website popularity and keywords in use. https://www.alexa.com/siteinfo Enter the competition website and click Run Analysis.
Make a competitors list.
Search Volumes
Use Google Keyword Planner or equivalent. https://adwords.google.com/ - Tools - Keyword Planner
- What phrases are used by your customers? Consider product awareness, interest, cosideration, evaluation, buy stages. Customer Journey
- What business keyword matter to you? Longer phrases have less competition (3-5 words).
- What is the search volume / month? Low volume is easier to get to top 10 postions.
- How strong is the competition (note keyword difficulty and cost per click)?
Make a short list of keyword phrases.
Opportunities Identified
- Make content to suit your customers needs. Preferably longer than the competition.Content Creation Tips , Content Creation
- Use known popular keyword phrases. Include related synonyms in the content.
- Share this content with social media
- Email content links to your customers
- Digital Market to your niche audience. Think 1000's of people seeing your product ad and clicks to your website page in 2 days for less than $1 each. Marketing Plan Creator
- Pinterest can build backlinks, create social media presence and run digital marketing at the same time. Pinterest Case Study Image ad views $1.93/1000 and web page clicks at $0.11 each.
- 3 Steps to Content Marketing Funnel Success. 3 Simple Steps Every Business Owner Can Follow To Get Ongoing Customer Flow to the business.
Consider keyword phrase + industry word + location = Unique Headline with Customer benefit.
e.g. Best engineering widgets in Townsville and how they will save you time
The more web pages you build with internal and external links, the more Free Organic Traffic and Business reaches you.
e.g. 400+ web pages getting 3000+ organic search result visitors per day.

Created by Matthew Bulat https://www.matthewb.id.au/ | https://transformstar.com/ | https://itjobsformula.com/
Business Recovery Strategy
Implementing Business Transformation Framework PDF
Customer Value Journey
How To Win At Content Marketing And Build Business
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