How to Start an Email list?
Create a customer persona for your ideal customer. What do they want?
What is the biggest customer frustration that your products and services solve?
Create a lead magnet to help solve this issue (see table below).
Add an Opt-In web form to gain an email address for the lead magnet.
Email Marketing Lead Magnet Options
Frequently asked questions and answers PDF |
Online course | eBook | Printable |
Checklists | Downloads | Free shipping offer |
Membership group | Tutorial | Shopping list |
Video training | Guide | Manual |
Case studies | Templates | Discount code |
Digital White Paper | Resource list | Workbook |
More Email Marketing Options
Content Upgrade - Create a specialist Opt-in and lead magnet to further support a specialist web page.
Their email address will unlock your valuable content.
Survey you email list for preferences, topics, issues and content suggestions.
Add a landing page Opt-In link in your email signature block. E.g. Free course, free checklist.
Host a Webinar and collect email addresses at registration.
Be a guest for an interview and use a Landing Page URL opt-in for more information.
Update your social media training for the platform where your customers frequent. Share an opt-in link.
Email people one by one who would likely be interested in the lead magnet.
Email Marketing Best Practices
- Only send email when you have something to say
- Keep email simple and focused
- Write great copy
- Keep email short and under 500 words
- Provide more value emails than offer emails
- Track your email open rates and link click rates
- Use modern design for web pages linked from email
Emails for Ecommerce
- New client purchases follow up welcome email. Ask to follow on social media.
- Abandoned cart email. You can offer a discount.
- Post purchase follow up email. Ask for a review. Display complimentary products. Link to FAQ.
- Re Engagement email. Upcoming sale. Free product sample. 10% off next purchase.
- Trial premium feature offer. Offer free products if spend is over a threshold.
- Educational content to build trust. Product best practices, frequently asked questions, maintenance.
- Segment clients by purchase history and send relevant offers.
Modern Email Marketing Trends
- Segment email list by customer segment.
- Optimize emails for mobile email users.
- List cleaning maintenance occasionally.
- Social media sharing of emails.
- Remarketing - Send reminder emails to purchase.
- Using video content.
- Offer multiple channel interaction. E.g. Phone, chat, web form, email, social media.
- Lead nurturing and scoring - Track who clicks links in email and increment their score.
Email Structure Guidelines
Email Subject Line
Enticing enough to get the user to open the email. Emotive, convincing, short and clear.
Email First Sentence
Convey the theme and prupose of the email.
Email First Paragraph
Create common ground with the reader.
Email Layout
Header email address, Subject, Attachments, Body, Call to Action, Closure. Include images.
Email Closure
Last sentence to promote produsts and services. Professional signature block with contact types and social media sharing.
Segmentation of Email list
Local Clients | National Clients | International Clients |
Small Clients | Medium Clients | Large Clients |
Industry Sector | Company Size | Client Engagement Score |
Segment targeted email have higher conversion rates.
Customer Relationship Management or Smart Tags can be used to segment email list.
Email Marketing Call To Action
Time to start planning your Lead Magnets, Opt-In Web Pages and Email Sequences. See Opt-In below for website development.
Email Marketing 2 page answers PDF