Save Electricity Calculator
Where is energy being wasted in your home now?
How much electricity and money can be saved?
Calculate what you can save here.
In 5 minutes you could learn to have savings of $100s or $1000s every year and help the environment.
Fill in the sections where you can make changes to save electricity. Click on Get Results buttons to find out your savings.
See electricity saved, money saved, water saved and CO2 reduction. A detailed results area shows where you should concentrate your energy efficiency efforts.
Save Electricity Calculator Assumptions
Compact Fluorescent light uses 13 watts. Incandescent light was using 75 watts. See Light Energy Calculator for more information.
Bedroom air conditioner uses 900 watts and is running the compressor at 50% duty cycle. Assume 4 months use each year.
Each surplus fridge uses 700 kWh of energy in a year.
Pump uses 1000 watts.
Washing machine uses 100 litres of hot water per load. Washing machine used for 4 loads each week. Each litre of water takes 0.052 kWh to heat.
Water efficient shower head uses 9 litres per minute. Old shower head uses 20 litres per minute. Average Shower lasts for 5 minutes. Shower is using 50% hot water.
Water efficient tap aerator uses 5 litres per minute. Old taps uses 20 litres per minute. Tap is running 50% hot water.
Computer power management enabled reduces computer power consumption by up to 38%. Computer uses 200 watts when on. Assume computer is left on.
Laptop uses 50 watts when on. Assume laptop is left on. See Computer Energy Calculator for more information.
Computer peripherals even in standby consume power. Assume 30 watts total standby unless switched off at the wall.
Insulation can reduce cooling and heating costs by up to 30%. Assume 40% of electricity used is for heating or cooling.
Up to 30% more in heating and cooling energy can be saved with simple draft stopping practices.
Playstation 3 will use approximately 190 watts when on or on standby. It is best to turn this device off at the wall. See Appliance Energy Calculator for more information.
Xbox 360 will use approximately 150 watts when on or on standby. It is beat to turn this device off at the wall.
Hifi will use approximately 30 watts on standby for these calculations (it can be higher). It is best to turn this device off at the wall.
DVD or Blue Ray will use approximately 20 watts when on or on standby. It is best to turn this device off at the wall.
Carbon footprint based on 1 kWh makes 1 kg of CO2 from a coal thermal electricity plant.
Saving Electricity Further Considerations
Do you feel more savings could be achieved?
Consider having all halogen lights to be replaced with either LED lights or replacing the fitting for a miniature compact fluorescent light. Save 80 to 88% in power.
Can electronic ballasts be fitted to fluorescent tube lights and save up to 33% in power? See Light Energy Calculator
Is your fridge or freezer over 10 years old? Efficiency of these appliances have improved over time. Can a single larger fridge/freezer replace many smaller fridges?
Consider altering pool pump hours per day relative to the seasons and needs.
Can task lighting be used instead of general room lighting?
Can air conditioned or heated areas be segmented to reduce volume and energy consumption.
Can countdown timers be used for various appliances including air conditioners?
Can reverse cycle air conditioning be used instead of electric element heating devices?
Can solar hot water be introduced? See Solar Hot Water Calculator
Can solar power be introduced? See Solar Power Calculator
To get a better understanding of energy consumption requires real time measurement.
Power point energy meters can be bought for $25.
Building energy meters can be bought for $100 (3 phase are $150).
Examples of these devices are reviewed in the Energy Efficiency Section
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