Fibre Optic Network Speed

FTTN NBN Roll Out Internet Hardware

  • What are the specifications for a Fibre To the Node (FTTN) NBN connection to the premises?
  • What hardware specifications influence NBN use?

VDSL2 Network Termination Device NTU

Very-high-bit-rate digital subscriber line 2 (VDSL2)
This is a copper transceiver that is used in the premesis to convert VDSL2 traffic into Ethernet networking services.

Sample VDSL2 NTU Specifications

  • Up to 30 MHz signal on copper pairs.
  • Up to 100 Mbps in speed for short distances.
  • You have to purchase a VDSL2 compatible router. ($100-$200)
  • RJ45 Ethernet sockets available for networking.
  • Wifi available for wireless devices in premises.

FTTN (Fibre to the Node) Advantages and Disadvantages

Less civil works requiredCopper pair quality unknown
Quicker to deployFinal speed available is variable
Less initial capital costs10,000's FTTN cabinets required in suburbs
FTTN cabinets all dependant on mains power $$$
VDSL2 speed falls with distance in 100's of metres
Spare capacity is dependant on available good copper pairs
VDSL2 is at a higher untested frequency compared to ADSL
VDSL2 speed is subject to speed reduction in heavy rain
VDSL2 speed is subject to speed reduction with crosstalk interference
VDSL2 speed standard assume 0.4 mm minimum copper pair cables
Copper pair to premises connectors will reduce Internet speed
Copper pair to premises twisted paths can reduce Internet speed
Copper pair mainenance costs are higher than all fibre
VDSL2 upload speed is not guranteed which limits business uses
VDSL2 can use 2 copper pairs for some more speed if pairs available (not planned)
VDSL2 cannot scale up to 1Gbps like FTTP fibre

FTTN NBN NTU connection options

The choices for Local Area Networking for NBN network speed can vary depending on your needs.

Gigabit LAN wired network

A gigabit router can control Internet traffic versus LAN traffic. Look for a router with gigabit WAN socket for connection to the NTU and PPPoE protocol support.

Gigabit LAN wired network with wireless G or N

A gigabit wireless router can control Internet traffic versus LAN traffic. Check router models that allow for multiple WAN interfaces including fibre NTU via Ethernet. Wireless security, local RF channels in use and wireless network cards standards need to be considered.

Networking using mains cabling

A slower network medium exists using mains power cabling (single phase). This may be useful where thick walls are present, rented premesis or heritage listed building are involved. This technology might be used to link the NTU to a central networking switch.

VOIP Telephony to PABX system

The VOIP PABX can be located within the building as a managed service externally. A single VOIP PABX can service many branch offices. VOIP services can be provided from great distances (1000's kms).

Use the NBN to your advantage.