Volume of a cylinder in feet and gallons

Converter Section

Did you know that a cylinder can be measured in terms of its volume? Volume is the capacity to contain something.
The volume of a cylinder is measured by how much space it takes up and how long it is.
In this web page, we'll calculate the volume of cylinders in feet and gallons.

Cylinder Volume Calculator using radius in feet



Cubic feet
volume results

OR US gallons
volume results

OR Imperial gallons
volume results

Cylinder Volume Calculator using diameter in feet



Cubic feet
volume results

OR US gallons
volume results

OR Imperial gallons
volume results

  • The volume of the cylinder can be calculated by multiplying its height, h, in feet (or meters), times πr²h (pi r squared h)
  • A cylinder is a three dimensional figure with two circular bases and a curved surface that joins them.

In this article, we've looked at how you can measure the volume of cylinders in terms of feet and gallons.
If you're looking to convert a measurement from one unit to another (e.g., inches to centimeters), see the Converter Section Homepage.