Convert inches eighth sixteenth to mm calculator

Converter Section

Convert inches eighth 1/8 sixteenth 1/16 to millimetres mm calculator

Do you need help converting between different measurements?
Have no fear as our Convert Inches, Eighth, Sixteenth Into Millimetres Calculator has everything you need to get your conversions done in no time.
With this tool you can convert between different units such as inches into millimetres, eight into millimetre, sixteenth into millimetre and many more.

Distance Inputs


Eighth 1/8

Sixteenth 1/16

Rounded down
Distance Results

Millimetres mm

Inches, 1/8, 1/16 to mm

inches, eighth 1/8, sixteenth 1/16 to mm (rounded down)

1/16 inches = 1 mm , 1/8 inches = 2/16 inches = 3 mm , 3/16 inches = 4 mm , 1/4 inches = 2/8 inches = 4/16 inches = 6 mm , 5/16 inches = 7 mm , 3/8 inches = 6/16 inches = 9 mm , 7/16 inches = 11 mm , 1/2 inches = 4/8 inches = 8/16 inches = 12 mm , 9/16 inches = 14 mm , 5/8 inches = 10/16 inches = 15 mm , 11/16 inches = 17 mm , 3/4 inches = 6/8 inches = 12/16 inches = 19 mm , 13/16 inches = 20 mm , 7/8 inches = 14/16 inches = 22 mm , 15/16 inches = 23 mm , 1 inch = 25 mm.

How do I convert millimetres into inches?

There are 10 millimetres in an inch so there are 25.4 millimetres per inch.
To convert from inches to mm, simply divide the number by 25.4 - so for example, 12 inches is equal to (12/25.4) ˣ 1 metre which equals 304 mm.

Conversion is a necessary evil in the world of business.
You need to convert your product sizes, weight measurements and more, but how do you know which conversion method will work best for what you're looking to find?
That's where our Convert Inches, Eighth, Sixteenth Into Millimetres Calculator comes into play!
We have all different conversions so that no matter what unit you are converting from or to we can come up with an answer for you.
Check out these conversions today!

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  Distance Measurement Solutions