1/16 inches = 1 mm , 1/8 inches = 2/16 inches = 3 mm , 3/16 inches = 4 mm , 1/4 inches = 2/8 inches = 4/16 inches = 6 mm , 5/16 inches = 7 mm , 3/8 inches = 6/16 inches = 9 mm , 7/16 inches = 11 mm , 1/2 inches = 4/8 inches = 8/16 inches = 12 mm , 9/16 inches = 14 mm , 5/8 inches = 10/16 inches = 15 mm , 11/16 inches = 17 mm , 3/4 inches = 6/8 inches = 12/16 inches = 19 mm , 13/16 inches = 20 mm , 7/8 inches = 14/16 inches = 22 mm , 15/16 inches = 23 mm , 1 inch = 25 mm.
There are 10 millimetres in an inch so there are 25.4 millimetres per inch.
To convert from inches to mm, simply divide the number by 25.4 - so for example, 12 inches is equal to (12/25.4) ˣ 1 metre which equals 304 mm.
Conversion is a necessary evil in the world of business.
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