Skills Abilities Knowledge

What is SFIA?

SFIA stands for Skills Framework of the Information Age. It is based on 7 categories with 96 skills in total. Each skill has levels based on knowledge required, experience needed and responsibility.

What can SFIA be used for?

  • Project planning of skills required
  • Position description creation
  • Current skills analysis
  • Performance review of skills
  • Career planning for future skills needed
  • Company planning for future endevours
  • Training programme design

SFIA Categories

  • Strategy and architecture
  • Business change
  • Solution development and implementation
  • Service management
  • Procurement and management support
  • Client interface

Project planning of skills required

List all the skills and levels required to complete the project. Review current team member skills. Add new team members or train up existing team members. Improve your chances of completing the project on time.

Position description creation

List all the skills needed to perform the position. This is both technical and soft skills. Compare candidates using the same list of skills.

Current skills analysis

What skills are actually used in the current position? Where is skills development needed to improve business performance?

Performance review of skills

Compare where an employee meets the company goals in terms of us of related skills. See where career position is changing or needs to change. Show new skills are adding to the bottom line.

Career planning for future skills needed

What are the career stepping stones needed for the ideal career. Which new skills need to be learned or developed. What are the career titles needed along the way. Write up your CV with SFIA skills with practical examples of your work.

Company planning for future endevours

What are the company future goals. Which skills are needed to acheive those goals? Does it required new people or training up existing staff.

Training programme design

SFIA is used in helping design IT university courses around Australia. SFIA based position descriptions are being phased into Government.


I Choose Technology website What is ICT, Career Pathways, about the ICT industry
SFIA Download the latest skills list and level descriptions
SFIA levels of responsibility: 1 follow, 2 assist, 3 apply, 4 enable, 5 advise, 6 initiate, 7 set strategy / inspire / mobilise

Skill smart for the future.