People Count 1
Result history can be copied out and analysed.
- What is a person counter. Count people moving in real time with date and time stamp. e.g. Count people into a store.
- Why use a person counter. Work out the customer occupancy of a store. e.g. Covid maximum density limits.
- How to count people with a person counter. Click on the +1234 when people enter. Click on the -1234 when people leave.
- Export your results from the textarea. It shows Date, Time, Person/Object count. Save as CSV file. Analyse your results with a spreadsheet program.
Counting people is a big undertaking for any business.
Whether you’re looking to count the number of customers in your store, or how many are at an event, we can help!
With our software shown above.
The right solution will depend on what kind of information you want to collect and which features matter most to you, so be sure to contact one of our experts today if that sounds like something your organization would benefit from.