Why Kindle Publishing with Keywords?

Kindle Publishing with Keywords
  • Gain access to Global Amazon marketplaces.
  • Zero inventory.
  • Gain authority in your industry.
  • Write 30+ pages plus cover art once and sell unlimited times.
  • Add a back cover art and publish a paperback, print on demand.
  • Use the book as an entry point to higher level services. Include links.


There are many ways to market your book, but Kindle and keywords are one of the most effective. The following information will teach you how to use these two marketing strategies effectively, so that you can sell more books.

1. What are Kindle keywords and why do they matter?

Kindle keywords are words used in your book title, subtitle, description and contents. There are also 7 places to enter keyword phrases in the book listing. Choosing popular keywords will help drive more search traffic to your book and generate more sales.

2. Keyword research tools for finding the best keywords

There are several tools available for Google keyword search volumes but I only saw one that works within Amazon Books and Amazon Kindle. See the Amazon monthly searches count, competition count, book sales on keyword and competition difficulty. See sample table below.

3. How to use your keyword list in your book's title, description, and content

Use keywords to design your book for what is popular. Address your customer segment needs. Customers can find your book using keyword searches and related searches.Create a new channel to your business.

4. Why it is important to have a good cover design that includes your keywords

Once a prospect sees your book, does the cover illustrate the benefit for reading the book? If you have good traffic impressions but poor sales then the book cover may need to be improved. Book cover design can be outsourced. See sample images below.

5. The importance of including relevant keywords in order to rank higher on Amazon's search engine

Amazon Advertising using 200+ relevant keyword phrases to your book can generate enough traffic to generate sales. You can also have Product Targeting Ads so your book shows up near your closest competitors. Sales can push your book to bestseller status for even more sales.

6. Tips for writing an effective book description that will get people interested in buying your book

A book description should have:

  • A promise and biggest benefit in the first sentence.
  • Feature, benefit and meaning bullet points.
  • Bonus value items.
  • Social proof.
  • Call to action conclusion.

If you want to be successful when publishing your book, it is important that you know how to target the right keywords. Keywords are a vital component of any marketing strategy and can have an immense impact on sales by driving traffic from search engines like Google or Amazon's own product listings. The best way to find out what words people are searching for online is through keyword research tools such as SEMrush where you will get suggestions based on popularity, competition levels in ranking, seasonality (keyword trends), regional preferences (localized searches), and more. You should not only consider long-tail phrases with low competition but also think about broad terms which may drive up volume if they include some of your specific niche content.

Sample Kindle Keyword Data

Data is for Amazon Books in United States of America. There is seperate data for eBooks.
You can rank for multiple keywords. Your book listing can include 7 keywords. Your Ebook listing can include 7 keywords.

business strategy>1200$3168N/A713100
business strategy book>1200$5761N/A25680
business strategy formulation132$19"N/A"<10030
business strategy textbook>1200$4412N/A<10020
business strategy audiobook>1200$15828N/A95677
business strategy design>1200$2973N/A<10049
business strategy essentials>1200$25N/A<10030
business strategy game>1200$34N/A<10040
business strategy jeremy kourdi9$63N/A<1001
business strategy managing uncertainty156$43N/A<10020
business strategy planner>1200$76N/A<10020
business strategy workbook>1200$96N/A<10045
competitive strategy in business854$246N/A<1001
business and strategy consulting>1200$119N/A<10020
business competition strategies>1200$87N/A<10020
business competitive strategies753$58N/A<1001
strategy in business pdf102$7818N/A<10025
competitive business strategy>1200$843N/A<10020
importance of business strategy568$605N/A<10026
consulting business strategy>1200$119N/A<10020
what is strategy in business216$11154N/A2901
business strategic consulting>1200$94N/A<10020
what is a strategy in business216$11154N/A4131
strategies business>1200$574N/A<10020
strategies of a business>1200$574N/A<10020
strategy in business>1200$709N/A<10020
business strategy consultant812$2388N/A<1008
business strategy consultants812$2388N/A<1008
books on business strategy>1200$698N/A58620
business management strategies>1200$698N/A<10020
new strategy for business>1200$112N/A<10033

Sample Ebook Cover with Keywords

IT Jobs Formula Book and Ebook

IT Jobs Formula eBook. The 1500+ Roles in IT and Where to Find Them Fast

Click Here To Create Keyword Product Market Fit Quickly