13 Good Moods to choose from

Read, View, Listen and Watch on your selected Good Mood

Have a custom web page for all positive moods.

The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood. -Voltaire
At first, I only laughed at myself. Then I noticed that life itself is amusing. I've been in a generally good mood ever since.- Marilyn vos Savant
I always like a good song: puts me in a good mood.- Waris Ahluwalia

Mood List: 

Amused Mood amused mood image small
Calm Mood calm mood image small
Cheerful Mood cheerful mood image small
Confident Mood confident mood image small
Ecstatic Mood ecstatic mood image small
Energetic Mood energetic mood image small
Excited Mood excited mood image small
Happy Mood happy mood image small
Joyful Mood joyful mood image small
Loved Mood loved mood image small
Peaceful Mood peaceful mood image small
Relaxed Mood relaxed mood image small
Thankful Mood thankful mood image small

Each mood has sections with quotes, pictures, video and music. 

Good Mood - More Information

Change is not always easy, but with patience and perseverance, we can find the good in change. -Kim Yannayon
Change is inevitable. Change is exciting. Change is good. Look forward to change and embrace it. Then you will never be left behind in life! -James Hauenstein