If you're a business developer who is sincere about wanting to create an innovation strategy, then I've got a list of styles here you need to learn about FAST.

The Big Idea Behind This List Is: Create Innovation For Business Growth

The important thing for you to understand with this is that innovation strategy styles.

Business developers need to know this innovation strategy list because create a competitive advantage for business.

This list spells the difference between success and failure for business developers because enable business to scale up.

Style # 1 - Unique Value Proposition

  • Research all the competitors products and services
  • Develop a superior offer stack with bonuses
  • Physical products, digital products, written products, audio products, video products
  • Charge higher prices with the value provided

Style # 2 - Pivot On The Business Model

  • Create your current Business Model Canvas
  • Review the most progressive global businesses models
  • Implement and test new business model styles in the organisation
  • Keep the successful business model attributes

Style # 3 - Gain New Customer Segments For Market Share

  • Define your customer segments in detail
  • Build a business model for each customer segment
  • Create custom messaging for each segment
  • Improve prospect to customer conversion with tailored customer journey

Style # 4 - Gain New Channels For Market Share

  • List the methods used for initial prospect awareness of your business
  • Experiment with new traffic sources to your business
  • Keep successful traffic sources
  • Gain market share with expanded audience reach

Style # 5 - New Offer Beta Launch

  • Provide a minimum viable product to an early adopter group
  • Test usability, results delivery, customer satisfaction & would they pay for the solution
  • Gather feedback for refinements
  • Confirm new solution is ready to scale

Style # 6 - Global Market Perspective

  • Research which countries are suitable for your products and services
  • Can distributors or 3rd party logistics delivery your products
  • Think bigger than just the English speaking markets
  • Digital products can be delivered online globally

Style # 7 - Acquire Or Partner

  • Can innovation be gained by buying an outside business?
  • Can innovation be created with external partners?
  • Can innovation be created outside the organisation with investments?

Bonus Style # 8 - White Label

  • Can you sell innovation components to competitors?
  • Can you sell innovation to order to competitors with their logo on the product?
  • Expand your market share via competitors in your industry

So the next step for you here is to Pick your innovation style for growth.

One more thing.
Did you know, I just released a New free video series on how any business developer can create an innovation strategy!
Here's where you can claim your copy: Strategic Research Competitive Advantage Video Series

Innovation Strategy for Product Development and Market Share