Energy Efficiency eBook for 60 technologies

Energy Efficiency eBook

60 technologies reviewed - 54 best practices that can be applied for free.
Energy Efficiency eBook Preview How you use technology efficiently to save money and electricity.
Energy Efficiency Introduction and Energy Measurement How to measure power points and buildings electricity usage.
Energy Efficiency Table of Contents Which sections contain energy savings for you?
Home Efficiency 19 ways you didn't know about saving energy at home for free.
Business Efficiency 8 things that can reduce business energy usage and costs.
IT Efficiency 12 things only Information Technology can help with energy efficiency.
Alternative Energy 12 ways you can create and use your own energy.
Transport Efficiency 5 updated types of transport you probably didn't know about.
Future Energy 5 novel ways for generating and storing electricity into the future.
Energy Efficiency References Over 150 references.

Energy Efficiency options?

Energy Efficiency

Light Energy Calculator - Calculate the before and after costs for efficient lighting.
Appliance Energy Calculator - Calculate the running and standby costs for running appliances.
Hot Water Calculator - Calculate the before and after hot water costs using water efficient plumbing.
Compare running costs of petrol and electric cars
Detailed Appliance Energy Calculator - Work out energy use by weekday/weekend operating hours.
Energy Savings Tips - Energy tips in 9 sections.
Save Energy and Money Checklist - Where can you save more energy at home?
Energy Efficiency Resources Shopping

Computing Efficiency options?

Computing Efficiency

Measure Computer Power Consumption
Calculate your computer components total power needs?
Desktop computer selection guide - Create your desktop computer required specifications list.
Laptop computer selection guide - Create your laptop computer required specifications list.
Chromebook computer selection guide - Create your Chromebook required specifications list.
Information Technology Performance Efficiency
Computer Resources Shopping

Solar Power

Solar Power

Solar Power Calculator for your location - Power output, net savings, ROI for 1 year and life of system.
Zero Electricity Bill - How many solar panels do I need? - Calculate panels needed for your location.
Zero Motoring Bill - Electric Vehicle motoring with how many extra solar panels do I need?
Solar Hot Water Calculator - How much water and energy costs will I save?
Evacuated Tube Solar Hot Water Systems for Home use Calculator Solar hot water with less weight on the roof.
Outdoor Solar Lighting options Extra lighting without cabling and running costs.
Solar Thermal Energy - Use the suns heat for energy generation. Add molten salt storage for 24/7 power.
Alternative Energy Sources - 13 sections.
Renewable Energy Sources with Solar Thermal Energy in Australia Extend thermal power plants with solar thermal.
Solar power calculator for solar power battery systems Could solar and batteries meet your energy needs?
What Does Solar Power Cost? What parts make up a solar power solution?
Solar Panel Calculator How much area do you need for a given solar power solution?
Concentrated Solar Power - Power with less Solar cells
Solar Resources Shopping

distance measurement conversion

Distance Conversion Utilities

USA Units of Length

centimeters to inches calculator - Convert cm to in length Plus centimeters to inches list.
feet to meters calculator - Covert ft to m length
inches to centimeters calculator - Convert in to cm length Plus inches to centimeters list.
inches to meters calculator - Convert in to m length
inches to millimeters calculator - Convert in to mm length Plus inches to millimeters list.
meters to feet calculator - Convert m to ft length
meters to inches calculator - Convert m to in length Plus 1 to 25 meters to inches list.
meters to inches calculator - Convert m to in length
meters to yards, feet and inches - Convert m to yd, ft, in length Plus Yards to Meters List.
millimeters to inches calculator - Convert mm to to in length Plus millimeters to inches list.
Yards to meters and centimeters - Convert yd to m length Plus Meters to Yards List.

Units of Length

Convert mm to inches calculator Also convert inches to millimetres. Plus 1-200 inches to millimetres conversion chart.
Convert inches eighth 1/8 sixteenth 1/16 to mm calculator - mobile version
Convert mm to inches eighth 1/8 sixteenth 1/16 calculator - mobile version
Convert feet to metres Plus Feet to Metres and Millimetre table.
Metric to Inches Conversion Calculator with Metres Centimetres Millimetres Also inches to metric conversion.
Centimetres to Feet and Inches and 1/16 Converter Plus 1-100 cm to ft, in and 1/16 table.
Metres to Feet and Inches Converter Also Yards, Feet and Inches to Metres or Millimetre conversion.
Convert feet and inches to cm calculator Also feet and inches to cm conversion table.
Convert inches to cms centimetres Also centimetres to inches conversion. Plus 1-200 inches to centimetres table.
Feet to metres Plus 1 to 50 feet to metres and millimetres table.
Convert km to miles Plus 1 to 50 kilometres to miles and yards table.
Covert km to miles calculator and 1-100 km to miles chart - mobile version
Convert miles to kilometres Plus 1 to 50 miles to kilometres and metres table.
Convert miles to km calculator and 1-100 mile to km chart - mobile version

Local Distance Measurement Products
volume measurement conversion

Volume Conversion Utilities

Cylinder Volume Calculator in Metres and Centimetres Cylinder volume by radius in metres, diameter in metres, radius in centimetres or diameter in centimetres.
Volume of a cylinder in metres and litres - mobile version
Volume of a cylinder in centimetres and litres - mobile version
Cylinder Volume Calculator in Feet and Inches Cylinder volume by radius in feet, diameter in feet, radius in inches or diameter in inches.
Volume of a cylinder in feet and gallons - mobile version
Volume of a cylinder in inches and gallons - mobile version
Litres to gallons pints and ounces converter Plus gallons to litres converter. US and UK gallons.
Cups to millilitres or ounces converter Plus cups and cup fraction to millilitres or ounces table.
Cups tablespoons teaspoons including fractions to ml converter
Pints to litres Converter Both US and UK units of volume.
Cubic Volume Calculator - Calculate multiple volumes and add them Up to 8 volumes can be listed and and added.
Fuel Efficiency Converter Distance in kilometres and miles. Fuel in litres or gallons. Fuel efficiency in miles per gallon or litres per 100 km.

Local Volume Measurement Products
area calculator

Area Measurement Conversion Utilities

Area Calculator in Metres and Centimetres Multiple area calculations can be saved and exported.
Area Calculation in feet and inches Multiple area calculations can be saved and exported.
Surface Area of a Cylinder Calculator Results in square metres, square centimetres, square inches or square feet.
Surface Area of a Sphere Calculator Results in square metres, square centimetres, square inches or square feet.
Surface Area of a Cone Calculator Results in square metres, square centimetres, square inches or square feet.
Surface Area of a Cube Calculator Results in square metres, square centimetres, square inches or square feet.
temperature measurement conversion

Temperature Conversion Utilities

Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit Plus 0 to 50 celsius to fahrenheit conversion table.
Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius Plus 30 to 130 fahrenheit to celsius conversion table.
Celsius to Fahrenheit Chart -50 to 250 degrees to fahrenheit (-58 to 482) conversion table.

Local Temperature Measurement Products
energy measurement conversion

Energy Conversion

kj to cal converter Kilojoule to Calorie conversion.
kilojoules to calories kj to cal conversion.
cal to kj Calories to Kilojoules conversion.
calories to kilojoules cal to kj conversion.